Monday, February 29, 2016

Newspaper Inspired Piece

I heard it on the street that Abraham Lincoln had a son that no one knew about, and that this son of his was a slave and that's why Abe had a desire to free the slaves.  It's weird how conversations get so mixed up in translation.  Life is just a giant game of telephone.  You never know who or what you can trust and that is kind of messed up.  I think that the world is going downhill fast and we need to move to mars or something. 

Favorite Quotes

Image result for dr seuss quotes     Image result for dr seuss quotesImage result for maya angelou quotes when you know better      Image result for quotes                                     

Memorable Passage

“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”  -Twilight 

I went through a phase in like 6th grade when I was obsessed with Twilight. Looking back now I wonder what was going on in my head at that time. I really liked the quote that I put above and honestly I still do. I try to find the positives in the negatives and I feel like this quote does that as well.

Writers as Readers

1.) When I read I need to be doing something else also. I can't just sit down and read a book. I need to be riding in a car, listening to music, snacking, walking around, etc.
2.) I'm 18 years old but I still like children's books. Children have such wide imaginations and children's books tend to reflect that. I guess that's why I like reading them. There is also the fact that I am not much of a reader.
6.) I do not remember who taught me how to read or when I learned how to read, but I do remember how frustrating it was for me to learn the ABC's. I also remember pretending that I knew how to read by just telling my parents what the story was about while holding up the book. Mrs. Vanwinkle was my kindergarten teacher and she helped me a lot with my ABC's and told me that they were hard for her too. That was her little "secret".
9.) When I was reading The Fault in Our Stars  I felt sad because, his cancer ended up being worse than hers.
12.) I do think that someone who reads a lot will become a stronger writer. I do not read books very often.  The majority of my vocabulary comes from social media sites and text messages. My vocabulary would probably be a lot better if I were to read actual books more.  At the same time though I think I learn quite a bit of words from listening to people talk.

Pillow Talk

I have come to the conclusion that tonight is not going to be filled with dreams, but instead it will be filled with overflowing thoughts.  Maybe I'm just thinking too hard about how many hours of sleep I will get if I fall asleep RIGHT NOW. Or maybe I had too much coffee today.  Maybe I just can't get comfortable.  Who knows?  Maybe it's a good thing that I am not sleeping right now, like I'm being saved from a dismal dream.  Maybe if I just get up and walk around for while.  If thoughts just worked like a light switch then I wouldn't have to worry until the switch went bad.  Tomorrow is a big day, but I still have yet to fall asleep.  These unorganized thoughts are invading my brain, like a flow of red sauce on spaghetti..  What?  Now that I think of it I can't remember if I had dinner. Maybe that's why I can't sleep.  This is driving me insane, but it's whatever.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Dream Threads

Displaying G0059006.JPGDisplaying G0058908.JPG    Either the lock keeps turning and it won't lock, or the door won't meet the frame and there is a huge gap, making it impossible. Or maybe it's because I am so shaky from being nervous and excited at the same time. I have waited thirteen years for this day. At the age of five, I would jump off of the top bunk with a trash bag and pretended that I was falling thousands of feet instead of just four or so. After I finally figured out the whole door situation, I finished getting ready in no time. I am on my way to pick Cloe up and hoping she won't back out. I kind of pressured her into jumping out of a plane, but I'm not even sorry. We aren't really sure what to do before we head out of town, or what our "last meal" should be. We are driving around then all of a sudden a cop does a U-turn and pulls us over. I've never gotten a speeding ticket before but I guess that is changing today. I tell the officer that I didn't know the speed limit and ask him if that was the problem. He doesn't say anything. Then Cloe tells him that we are just excited to go skydiving today. Still no word from the cop, until he hands me the ticket for almost one hundred dollars and says "have fun kids". Right like getting a 97 dollar ticket is my definition of fun. It's whatever I'm not about to let a ticket ruin today. Subway is right next to us, so we are pulling
in for that last meal. Fast forward, we are in Bolivar at 417 Skydive.
We are signing all of the papers and then, finally I am getting into the plane. The door opens and I can't believe this is finally happening, like a dream come true. As I fall, I thought nothing would catch me.

Caged bird inspired poem

I don't know why mistakes act as caged birds,
but they always seem to make a sound.
They scream and scream with their fearful trill,
and then eventually someone opens the doors,
clueless of what lies ahead.
Then they become free again,
destroying everything in their path
without a care.
a good day turned dismal,
without any warning
but hey it's whatever

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

If I were in charge of the world...

If I were in charge of the world,
I'd cancel unsweetened tea,
bean bag chairs,
savings accounts and also...
Donald Trump.

If I were in charge of the World,
there'd be free Netflix for genuinely nice people,
and all the time in the world to watch your favorite shows. 

If I were in charge of the world,
you wouldn't have leggings made in XXXL.
You wouldn't have people going to the gym just for the perfect selfie. 
You wouldn't have diets that no one actually follows.
Or "watch your calorie intake."
You wouldn't even have calories. 

If I were in charge of the world, 
a roll of sushi with extra cream cheese would be a vegetable. 
Or better yet, all food would be considered "the right choice."
and a person who sometimes forgot where they left their keys,
and sometimes forgot to lock the door behind them,
would still be allowed to be in charge of the world.