Friday, January 29, 2016


The Colors of your Emotions
Once upon a time there was a little monster who had blue tears falling from his eyes. He was crying because he was cyan. His whole family was perriwinkle but he was not. They would not accept him. His whole family had been the same color for years and years. They couldn’t figure out why he was so different.
One day when his family was being especially mean to him he turned red. He was very angry and couldn’t figure out why he was turning a new color. This had never happened before. His family didn’t know why he was turning mahogany. The angrier he got, the darker he got. They wouldn’t stop making fun of him. He decided right then and there that he would run away from home and he would find other monsters who would appreciate him.
After a while his journey started to wear on him and he started turning a shade of green. He became exhausted and sad. As his journey went on his color got all the way to pine. He was very disappointed on his findings. Until one day, over the horizon he saw something. He saw many different colors all over the place. He decided to see what it was.
He didn’t know it at the time, but he was going to turn yellow. Once he finally got to there the rainbow of colors were at, he found a community of monsters just like him. They didn’t stay the same color all the time. They changed colors according to their emotions just like the little monster! He turned the brightest shade of aureolin anyone has ever seen. He was finally happy. He found where he belonged at last and lived happily ever after in his community of rainbows.

1 comment:

  1. Quite a journey for your little monster! There's probably some major symbolism there about how all of us want to belong but also feel that need to be unique and totally ourselves even if it's not the so-called norm. And what a glorious display of your color vocabulary! Cyan! Aureolin!
