Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dan in Real Life Q&A

Can you know in three days if you love someone? 
     I think it just depends on the people, like rather or not you believe in "love at first sight" or not.

What makes someone a "hottie" to you? 
     Someone that displays confidence in themselves but are not cocky about it.  Also someone with a good smile.

Dan's family is very involved in getting him to date again.  How involved do you think family should be in your relationships?  Your involvement in theirs? 
     If you grow up in a really close tight knit family then they should have some involvement in your relationships, because if you guys are that close and they don't get along with your date then there's probably a reason.

Describe your perfect day.
     On a perfect day, the winds would be less than 14 mph and the clouds would be higher than 4,000 feet. Those are the requirements to go solo skydiving at my drop zone. An even better day would be if the jumps were free.

Are teenagers pretty hard on their parents? 
     I don't think that all parents are hard on their parents or that it is all the time, but I do think we all have our moments.  Sometimes we just want our parents to see our side of different situations when in reality we aren't looking at their side of it. Those things happen a lot in my house anyway.


Window Poem

Through the drive-thru window I see a group of teenagers collecting money to pay for their meals.  To my left is the next window at which they will receive their food.  Right behind the people at my window is a lady with her money already hanging out of her car. Today is different, people are being patient with each other and not complaining as much. Maybe it's the weather. It's sunny and 75. If I look far enough into the distance then I can see the road that I can take to go home. Just one more hour.
Image result for mcdonalds drive thru

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Future so Bright

Interesting ideas from the presentation
  • It takes an entire month to put together a magazine. 
  • "phony pictures" are added in place of the actual ones (before they are taken) so that others can view the creators ideas.
  • They do not have a legal team.

Question about something discussed
  • How many people work for 417 magazine?
  • Is there a lot of conflict as to what goes in each issue?

 Why I would work for 417 Magazine 
  • The staff all seemed friendly.
  • The building itself had an inviting atmosphere.
  • Everyone seemed very welcoming. 

 Where I'd like to be in...
a: 1 year:  I wish to be in OTC at this time, and have my skydiving license.
b: 5 years: Finishing up collage at MSU.
c: 10 years: Have a job other than McDonald's, maybe be a skydiving instructor.
d: 50 years: Be retired or close to it, and still be able to support myself.

Image result for otcImage result for skydiving parachute drawingImage result for msu

Monday, February 29, 2016

Newspaper Inspired Piece

I heard it on the street that Abraham Lincoln had a son that no one knew about, and that this son of his was a slave and that's why Abe had a desire to free the slaves.  It's weird how conversations get so mixed up in translation.  Life is just a giant game of telephone.  You never know who or what you can trust and that is kind of messed up.  I think that the world is going downhill fast and we need to move to mars or something. 

Favorite Quotes

Image result for dr seuss quotes     Image result for dr seuss quotesImage result for maya angelou quotes when you know better      Image result for quotes                                     

Memorable Passage

“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”  -Twilight 

I went through a phase in like 6th grade when I was obsessed with Twilight. Looking back now I wonder what was going on in my head at that time. I really liked the quote that I put above and honestly I still do. I try to find the positives in the negatives and I feel like this quote does that as well.

Writers as Readers

1.) When I read I need to be doing something else also. I can't just sit down and read a book. I need to be riding in a car, listening to music, snacking, walking around, etc.
2.) I'm 18 years old but I still like children's books. Children have such wide imaginations and children's books tend to reflect that. I guess that's why I like reading them. There is also the fact that I am not much of a reader.
6.) I do not remember who taught me how to read or when I learned how to read, but I do remember how frustrating it was for me to learn the ABC's. I also remember pretending that I knew how to read by just telling my parents what the story was about while holding up the book. Mrs. Vanwinkle was my kindergarten teacher and she helped me a lot with my ABC's and told me that they were hard for her too. That was her little "secret".
9.) When I was reading The Fault in Our Stars  I felt sad because, his cancer ended up being worse than hers.
12.) I do think that someone who reads a lot will become a stronger writer. I do not read books very often.  The majority of my vocabulary comes from social media sites and text messages. My vocabulary would probably be a lot better if I were to read actual books more.  At the same time though I think I learn quite a bit of words from listening to people talk.